KALENTERI (Calendar)

Late Summer, Fall 2024 Events:


FINNISH CLASSES, TORI, MUSIC, & PANNUKAKKU at Saima Park, Troy,NH and on line! (Please read down)


Sunday, September 15, 10am-2:30pm Tori/Marketplace & Classic Car Cruise at Saima Park

The Finnish Center at Saima Park will hold its annual outdoor marketplace and car cruise on Sunday, September 15, from 10:00am until 2:30pm. Shop for unique Nordic items, books, music, Finnish breads and other baked goods, art work, and handicrafts. Listen to the music of the Oivan Ilo folk group (noon-12:45) and the Fitchburg State University Community Orchestra (1:00-2:00). Accordionist Gibby Lashua may entertain us as well. Enjoy a bowl of traditional Finnish salmon soup, loaded chicken noodle soup, or vegetarian chile; or have a hot dog! Hot and cold beverages, Finnish coffee bread, and brownies round out the menu.

Be sure to visit the basket raffle and take a chance on winning a prize! Also visit our tiny but impressive Library/Museum and Sauna Museum.

If you have a special vehicle, we hope you’ll show it off at beautiful Saima Park on the 15th.

Admission and parking are free of charge. Saima Park is located at 67 Scott Rd, Fitchburg. For more information about the Finnish Center, visit saima-park.org or Facebook Friends of Saima Park. Finnish Center at Saima Park, 67 Scott Rd, Fitchburg. https://www.saima-park.org/calendar2024.html#current

Finnish language classes!


Saima Park in person classes and Suomi-koulu of New England (Zoom classes) start in September! Saija Laurla will teach all classes.


Beginners at 6.15-8.15 PM   Book: Suomen Mestari 1

Advanced at 4-6 PM   Book: Suomen Mestari 2

The fall session of Finnish language classes will run for ten Mondays, from September 16 through November 18. The popular classes are held at the Finnish Center at Saima Park, 67 Scott Rd, in Fitchburg, MA. While the Finnish language is unique and challenging, instructor Saija Laurla sees to it that her students have fun while learning. Classes for beginners and advanced students are offered, and Saija is able to individualize for different abilities within the two levels.

Beginners meet from 6:15 to 8:15pm, and advanced students from 4:00-6:00pm. Beginners will use textbook Suomen Mestari 1, by Sonja Gehring and Sanni Heinzmann; advanced students will use Suomen Mestari 2. The books are available at Ruslania.com or Amazon.com. Tuition for the 10-week course is $75 for members of the Finnish Center at Saima Park, and $80 for others. Students under 18 years of age pay half. To register for the course, please email finnishcenter@yahoo.com, or call 978 407-9690 and leave a message. Payment by cash or check will be accepted at the first class.

The Finnish Center at Saima Park was established in 1894 and is a chapter of Finlandia Foundation National. Annual membership is $30; membership forms can be downloaded from saima-park.org.

In addition to the in-person course, Saija offers many Zoom classes. For information, email saijalaurla@gmail.com



To sign up please fill the registration form attached and email me: saija.laurla@gmail.com. $330/Semester or $530 Both semesters. Prices include the membership fee for Finlandia Foundation Boston. If you already are a member, please see the discounted prices in the registration form. Membership is renewed yearly. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yKqz8ct7mMCePj-uxFiU3zacRuVd_DO0/view

Beginners class On Sundays, at 5-6 PM DST Fall Semester 9/8-11/24, 12 weeks. 

Spring Semester 1/12-1/26 and 3/2-4/27, 12 weeks. Book: Suomen Mestari 1

Advanced Beginners  On Wednesdays, at 6.30-7.30 PM DST Fall Semester 9/11-11/27 

Spring Semester 1/8-1/29 and 3/5-4/23, 12 weeks. Book: Suomen Mestari 1 

Advanced On Wednesdays, at 7.30-8.30 PM DST Fall Semester 9/11-11/27

Spring Semester 1/8-1/29 and 3/5-4/23, 12 weeks.Book: Suomen Mestari 2 & 3.

If you haven’t yet sent your registration, please do it soon so we know if we need to form a fourth group in Suomi-koulu. The classes start the week of 9/8.

If you need any help getting a book or you would like to sell your old book, please let Saija know.





Now On Line Forest Finn Finnposium  recorded and posted thru FFN Finlandia Foundation National, in partnership with FinnFest, invites you to join the online “Finnposium” webinars that continue in 2024, highlighting the nationally recognized Forest Finn minority abroad and their current affairs in both Norway and Sweden.  The webinar is moderated by Sarah Kammlah from Facebook’s Forest Finns in America, …. . Missed it? Tune in to the recorded sessions: https://finfoundation.wpengine.com/programs/welcome-to-finnposium/

Saturday, September 28, 8-10am. Pannukakku breakfast: Finnish oven pancake, bacon, sausage, Finnish coffee bread, fruit, juice, coffee/tea/cocoa. $10. Loaves of coffee bread for sale. Vendors: artist Karen Kemp, Son of a Bee, crafter Michelle Radzewicz. Bring a Finnish joke to share! Finnish Center at Saima Park, 67 Scott Rd, Fitchburg. https://www.saima-park.org/calendar2024.html#current


Fall into FinnFunn Weekend

Friday-Sunday, October 25-27,www.finnfunn.org
FinnFunn New England Weekend 2024 (FFW) returns to its anchor location at the Inn at East Hill Farm, Troy, NH, October 25-27, amid colorful foliage and a grand view of Mt. Monadnock. The location is the perfect setting for a program of rich Finnish and Finnish-American heritage, culture, and funn intended to preserve as well as to make known our Finnish legacy in the Northeast.

Among new programs this year are POY Miksa Kajanus and his one-act “My Immigrant Story — a Comedic Monologue,” Holly and Jessica Kuovo’s Finnish voileipäpöytä/ bread and butter table demonstration, Saija Laurla’s learn and pronounce everyday Finnish phrases and Kristi Holohan”s Finnish Design and Print Making.

Artist Eric Aho talks about his art and the sauna (in person or  by video while Bob Hanninen and Robert Saasto, respectively, talk about the importance of the Raivaaja and New Yorkin Uutiset, Finnish newspapers that linked Finntowns throughout the Eastern States & beyond. Anita Smiley presents a session about the home front in Finland during the war years, 1939-45. Jean Brunter invites FinnFunn-goers to create a tonttu hat, the tonttu being this year’s theme, while Crafter Elaine Moe guides workshop participants as they fashion a birch bark star.

Attendees this year are invited to create a Finnishness Through Cherished Keepsakes exhibit by contributing a favorite souvenir to the display. Later, during a show and tell led by Peter Heaney, contributors have an opportunity to share the stories behind and the significance of their keepsakes. 

Familiar activities also remain in the program. Finnish-themed videos have been scheduled. A popular activity is the Tori/FinnFunn Marketplace, managed by Martha Silander, at which shoppers willingly part with paljon rahaa to purchase wares, many Nordic inspired, from nearly 30 delighted vendors. Attendees can also buy tickets for a chance to win items on the raffle tables and silent auction, both organized by Jackie Harjula and Stan Karro. Susan Cloutier is back with her Writing Workshop, and Miska Kajanus joins Stephen Trimble for this year’s  Humorous Stories and Jokes.  Mark Babson is filling reservations for folks to go sauna in his Abundance mobile sauna. www.event.racereach.com/finnfunn

Also returning are favorites Leila Luopa and the Revontulet Finnish Dancers, Christine Anderson and the Oivan Ilo dance band, and accordionist Bernie Nowak.

The program has something to interest everybody. Join us for the weekend or a day as FinnFunn Weekend 2024 celebrates our vibrant Finnish heritage. To register, call 603-242-6495 or 1 (800)242-6495. Go to www.finnfunn.org for rates and regularly-updated program information.


Monday, August 26,  6-7pm.  Gentle Yoga with Ellen Daoust. Under the Pavilion. Please bring a yoga mat, water bottle, and a towel. Free and open to the public. Rain or shine. https://www.saima-park.org/calendar2024.html#current

Friday, August 16, 6:30-8:00pm! Dance at Saima Park with Revontulet folk dancers. Free We will have an open rehearsal for all abilities and newcomers Friday, Aug 16! 6:30 at Saima Park!  Old Friends, new friends, all invited! Even if you just want to sit and watch and socialize and enjoy the music, please come!
